"Pull me please"
This makes auntie dd nervous!
Talk about a 'bear hug'
Near by creek, rock hunting and tossing heaven
Just someones beautiful side yard, complete with local munchkin
Airport that Mommy made for Cedar
Trying on auntie dd's shoes
Cedar and I found a roll of unused doggie poo plastic bags. We made it a race running finish line and then ribbon danced for awhile. When we were done, I rolled it up and put it back by the garbage can. No harm done and we had a blast!
Garbage is interesting...
"No, I've never made mud...Ewww"
Dirt + Water = MUD
and a little stirring
On another walk, we came across a dark house set back in the woods. The conversation went like this, "You go!" "No, YOU go!" no one went ;~)
A good ole piggy back ride got rid of the fear
and so does pretending you're a dog. He said, "Pull my tail!" (?)
"I'm gonna get you!"
Rain in Washington?!
Mommy and son looking over the bridge
Boho Boy and baby sis...LOVE them!
Marching on the bridge
Tree climbing
Family rest spot
I had to do this...
Ummm, now what do I do?
Scoot backwards?! How?
Den teaching Cedar to "pump" on the swing
He picked it up really fast!
Awesome "tree" house
Complete with a natural slide
"Look how far I am!"
"Watch me run really fast!"
I told Cedar I could hear a Sasquatch...hee hee
omg...Angel Face!
Curls & Dreads
"Please get me out of here."
This also makes auntie dd nervous
"Want to go for a car ride?"
everything is a microphone
"Don't leave auntie dd"
"Auntie dd doesn't want to leave..."