This boy is doing so well, I beam when he is around. Full time school, 30 hour work week and seriously excited about being in the medical field. Now he is leaning towards nursing, rather than respiratory therapy. His face lights up when you ask him about school and he never complains about the physical setbacks that interfere with his life. I just came across a few cards that were sent to me during his hospital stay and re cried some thankful tears. Many of us make lemonade with our lemons, but somehow Mark has made fine wine with his :)

I never did mention my mini crush on this awesome young man and his adorable mother. I think I held my breath for every race and cried like a proud mom. He reminded me of Mark, who is also getting gold...stars that is!
Oh, Darlene,
I feel that way about both Mark's, too! I'm glad someone else is giving them their due. Life is good when we remember what is important, isn't it!
Marvelous young man!!!
I held my breath for Phelps too! I cried too...
Mark is a walking, talking miracle who will have so much more than just medical expertise to offer his patients and their families...his witness is filled with hope and victory.
As a single mom I felt so much for Michael Phelp's mom, who obviously sacrificed much for her children. Seeing him frantically look for her after each race, and seeing his sisters clinging to her while screaming for their brother, made me cry too, hoping I am raising THAT kind of close knit family.
Oh Dar..... I can see why you feel such a kindred to Phelps and his mother... You and Mark remind me of them.
What a marvelous picture of Mark, and I'm so excited about his furture.
Didn't we all hold our breath...and his mother was just the cutest thing wasn't she.
congrats to your son
the world needs wonderful nurses
hugs and Peace
his miracle stays with me and still inspires me! love to you. xo
I look forward to someday reading about how Mark has finished his studies and become a full pledged part of the medical world. Congratulations!
Glad to hear of Mark's progress. He apparently has found the passion to do something that really excites him. What a great therapy.
It works for mom too.
Aren't Phelps wonderful? What an inspiration. Just like you.
Woo hoo! Yay Mark. And yay you, too :)
It's nice to see such tangible evidence that God answers prayers!
I was so happy to read this post and especially to see Mark's handsome, smiling face. Life is so wonderful! How funny, I don't know him at all, but I feel like I do......his face is so familiar from the many days I prayed and prayed for his recovery. Your heart must want to burst with love and joy and gratitude every time you see him.
I just skimmed the previous post, but have not had time to read it. I hope you are doing and feeling better yourself, my prayers to you.
This was so wonderful to read. I remember so well, those days long ago, checking up on your blog everyday for updates. Many hugs to your whole family and Mark is looking wonderful!!!
It makes me so happy to hear this. Diandra screams, "Go MARK!!"
Go Mark!
I love hearing about Mark. I love miracles. And I love being reminded of them. Oh yah - that's right - God totally pulled him through this!!! Thanks for reminding me. And thanks for sharing your wonderful family with me.
My daughter asked about Mark the other day. She remembers praying for him and how sad she felt that you were sad. What a praise to see that smiling face even though we have never met.
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