1. This is Cedar on his birthday. The tractor is out and he is in a state of amazement. At this time, tractors were called, "Ah Un...ah un!"

2. So, while it was turned off, Auntie dd gave Cedar a little non moving ride.

3. And then we posed for a picture :~)

4. Cedar has found something that he thought was "Stinky!" and chased me with it.

5. Out daughter Angela joined in on the fun.

6. Zeus loves Cedar very much, but hasn't learned how not to jump on little people yet...actually, all people! Signing up for dog training classes this Spring!

7. It's hard not to want to throw a rock or two when there is a veritable sea of them, but this was one of those, "Not for babies!" moment. Still loved the mischievous look on Cedar's face.

8. This was the motorcycle that Gran Marmie and Vo Vo got for Cedar...and him in his adorable Birthday outfit.

9. These are the cupcakes my niece Ashley made for dessert...yummy!

10. And some of them were Gluten Free...so thoughtful of Ash.

11. Opening presents...just a few ;~)

12. This is Liam, my great nephew...yes, we all melt by those deep blue eyes. Liam and Cedar get along wonderfully and are a little over a year apart in age...Toddler Heaven!

13. A Very Big Book About Farm Equipment...Yay!

14. And a duck puppet...so fun!

15. Now THIS is what I'm talkin about!

16. My brother Jim showing his Grand Baby family photo's, but Liam is much more interested in the buttons on the heater control. Hey, buttons are cool!

17. And here is Mark...looking happy and healthy...love him!

18. My boho sis and bro look a little overwhelmed with all the presents. I imagine she is thinking, "How in the world are we going to get all of this on the plane?"

19. Plenty of wood for the winter...

20. Munchkin homes in the Orchard.

21. Winter time here on the Farm.

22. Christmas berries on our Hawthorn tree.

23. Pandora is getting bigger and bigger.

24. The kids gathered to decorate Christmas cookies.

25. Mark seems to enjoy this, while Angela takes her decorating very seriously :~)

26. Jon is getting ready to inject the Turkey for its deep fry.

27. The evidence of all that hard work.

28. A little Christmas scattered everywhere.

29. The succulent box Jon and Angela made for me. I think this was my favorite gift. It's made to hang on the wall...so clever!

30. "Oh Christmas Tree..."

31. We decorate our Tables with a Christmas Town.

32. Jay and I argue about this every year...I get my way ;~)

33. Deep Fried Turkey...Yum!

34. An out of focus picture of Marmie in front of the fireplace.

35. Daddy and my Mom in Love(Barbara) seem to be relaxed and having a good time.

So, that's just a smidgen...we hosted a dinner party with our neighbor's and I did put myself through the craziness of handmade Christmas cards. My health is just okay. I recently experienced a seizure and I haven't had one of those for 10 years, so I'm being careful and imagine a quiet New Year's Eve...maybe ;~)
A belated Happy Holiday's to you all!
Oh my darling Darlene ~~ What a wonderful visit you have given us with this new post. I lingered over every picture, enlarging to enjoy every little detail.
Love you so much, and miss both. Loved our Christmas Card.
We will plan a visit in Spring. I want a personal hug!!!!
Love and Hugs and a Happy New Year
Pastor Dad and Wanda Mom
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful time.
I know what you mean about needing to take some time off from blogging.
I wish you and yours a very healthy, happy, prosperous new year.
I missed you so much!
Happy New Year Darlene!
Happy New year I love your table decoration. all your photos hold lots of magic.
Thanks for sharing your lovely holiday! I wish you a happy new year and happiness and health for 2011. Thanks again for all of your words of encouragement!
I have been away from your blog and the world of blogging for a while but it looks as though you are doing wonderful Love your new farm and what great pictures
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