Experiencing some writing/sharing brain freeze and unlike my usual routine I have been doing some traveling : )
I've been to Washington and back a few times, went to BOTH Mark and Angela's graduations, injured my back, hosted Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day(and I do mean hosted...we housed 8 people for a week!) and after that I needed a vacation! So hubby and I went to the Calaveras Big Trees in California.
Here are some of the sights we saw that were bigger than life...
Yep...that's me
Yep...that's hubby! These trees were HUGE!
A car could drive through this space
Beautiful trails to walk on
Angela is now a credentialed teacher and subbing like crazy. Her heart was lost to the primary age children and hopes to get a full-time 1st-3rd grade class of her own.
Mark is a Certified Respiratory Therapist and applying at local hospitals. Yes, he made it all the way through the program and to think that his horrible car accident a few years ago was the means to launch a career.
I am a proud Momma : )
I miss writing/sharing, so will try to be more diligent. I think 2012 is going to be a year of priceless memories for my growing family...ah, bliss