Saturday, September 4, 2010

nearly harvest time...

this may seem like just another ordinary day here
just another walk in the same orchard
one more day of many
but it isn't

how is it possible
that every time i come here
this place astounds me

each row offers a different view
a new perspective
some sense of calm

a moment of warm dappled sun
an offering of cool shade
and the conversations of rustling leaves...

I usually walk with these two as my companions. They don't complain about my slow pace, or if something random catches my attention. We three are very consistent together.

Ellie has a tendency to wander off in her own world

and Baxter stays by my side.

I can reach right up and taste the fruit of our labor

well, not actually fruit : )


Jack K. said...

I believe I know the answer to your question about being astounded every time you traverse the orchard. You view the scene through the aura of love that emanates from your heart and soul and surrounds you. It would be impossible for you to not be astounded under such circumstances. You are truly blessed.

Besides your closest guardian angels are with you every time too, by your own admission and photos of them.

Thanks for sharing the love and beauty.

Wanda said...

Oh, Darlene ~ as I read your comment today, I realize just how much I miss you too.

How I would love to make a Starbucks run, bring us green tea fraps and walk the orchards with you, Ellie and Baxter.

Yes, co teaching with you is a memory I will never forget... I learned so much under your ministry. I miss that fellowship.

Think we have the cabin in Tahoe the end of October, and maybe then we can have that face to face, body hug visit.

Love you forever
Wanda Mom

Wanda said...

BTW I bought the book you showed a while back "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"... It's has a slow beginning, but I thinking it has to set the stage for the drama. Have you already finished it? Bought another one called "Three Cups of Tea". Have you heard of that one? Summer reading...Break from my heavy duty Bible Study that lasted 6 mo.

Hope you and J are having a good Labor Day. My grandsons, Nick and Jon are coming up to spend the day.