Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm Bloomin Crazy!

After a slight reprieve from the rain and wind, my visiting daughter Angela and I went for a beautiful walk in the almond orchard. The sweet air filled our lungs and the wonder filled our eyes. This is now a precious childhood memory for her and appreciated home to me. Right now, nothing could be more splendid than this moment.


Dana and Daisy said...

that last one made me say, Oh gosh, that is beautiful!

shinyruby2 said...

ditto to above - this is just glorious! beautiful images : )

Wanda said...

Oh Darlene ~~
Southern CA is beautiful ~~~ But NOTHING, NO NOTHING can compare to our almond orchards in the valley!!

OH my how I miss not taking these pictures this year...

I will enjoy all of yours....and when the peaches bloom, with the lovey pink.... Oh my I do miss the Valley's beauty!!

LOL:Wanda Mom

Wanda said...

Just got so wound up, forgot to say what a beautiful blossum Angela is.....

sweet expressions said...

very beautiful photos and what a memory to keep
