A few people have asked about Mark, so I thought I'd give you an update. His unfortunate car accident happened on December 19th 2006, I chronicled the events, an experience we will never forget. I can't believe it happened only 2 years ago. Looking at him today, no one would know he had been in such danger. It is only when you spend time with him that you begin to understand the accidents full effects.
Mark lives on Imodium, lots and lots of Imodium. Very slowly his intestines have been making adjustments, but they will never quite operate normally. His right foot is still without a tendon and needs constant therapy. He has a very large scar that runs down his front and around to his back, a harsh reminder of the serious damage...but I have to say, that the biggest change in Mark was the vision he had of himself.
Yes, near death experiences will do that to you and he rose from that bed a changed man. Mark knows that God saved his life and that there is a specific reason for it. He aggressively wants to help people. He is going to college to become a Respiratory Therapist and often finds that he is the one doing the teaching. His professors often ask him to conduct the labs, or have him organize and then teach the class experiments. He is so meticulous and has found his place in the medical field. All of those medical terms that fly right over our heads...well, Mark now eats them for breakfast and finds the human body, his body, is the most amazing complex miraculous thing. He beams BEAMS when he talks about it. He remembers everything and wants so badly to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
I could go on and on...be the gushing mom that I am, but the most important lesson that we all learned, is that there is a cherishable community in this big world of ours. Especially, in a time of need.
I am new to your blog, thru your beautiful boho sister. Just recently I read Marks story, and cried and prayed, as if it was just today. Ironic that I read it the same time of year. And just yesterday I was wondering how he was doing, but would never ask. So I said a prayer instead. I've been in the medical field 25 yrs, my brother is a RT for 18 yrs now, still loves it.
I just wanted to say that your story was incredible! I was a dialysis tech for 21 yrs before moving on to a new field in healthcare, and know exactly what Lupus can inflict on someone.
You are so beautiful, and such a lovely person, to have endured your worst nightmare during a chronic nightmare, so to speak. Your grace shines like a bright light, and I am so fortunate to have been blessed by yours and Marks story.
Mark is gorgeous!!! And he will make someone very happy someday-he is a true, one of a kind gem! He should be the next "Bachelor" though I hate all the phony stuff that goes with it. Janel
Can't believe two years have gone so fast! I remember your blog back then... what a miracle. Thank you for continuing to share the amazing grace in the lives of you and your family.
Only two years! What a huge difference in the pictures of Mark before the accident and after. I can see the love pouring out of him now, where before he was a young man with promise, but now it is fruitful! It was a horrible accident, but could anything less have produced the young man we see now?! He is a beautiful human being.
P. S. I know he living on Imodium thing!
How wonderful to come here & see this handsome picture of Mark! I can't believe that two years has passed....and that I came to know you through Mark's accident. Checking for updates and feeling the pain and uncertainy that you felt along the way. Mark is indeed a miracle.....and God has chosen Mark to witness for him.
You are pure strength Darlene. And you are indeed a very beautiful person. Your love and feelings come through loud and clear. God bless!
Darlene, what a wonderful posting. I got goosebumps just thinking about how far Mark has come. His devotion to his new career is amazing. You have every right to gush, brag and absolutely love him.
Thanks for sharing this update.
It is amazing to think that it was two years ago. Glad to have been in contact you since then.
Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family.
two years already....amazing !
I found your blog right around the time of his accident and have continued to be a faithful reader...
your blog has been an amazing story about an amazing man !!!
blessings for the new year !!!!
What a difference from two years ago. I am so happy for Mark. HE really sounds like he has his calling.
He is almost as much of a cheeky monkey in this photo, as his cousin Cedar!
Seriously though, I am tearing up just thinking about all you've been through as a family, and how wonderful your Christmas this year will be!
Thank you for the update on Mark. He is a handsome young man but more importantly is what is inside! What a great example of Romans 8:28! To see God's hand of protection, guidance and direction is inspiring. I have always believed that God has a call on his life otherwise he wouldn't still be here with all of you!
Thank you for the update regarding Mark. I remember reading your posts and sending so much love your way. I am so happy that he is healing and moving forward on this new path. What a miracle.
Oh Darlene ~~ I can't believe it was two years... Mark is so remarkable... I'm so excited for him. Your post was so beautiful and your boy magnificent.
Love and Hugs
Wanda Mom
Oh Darlene,
Thank you so much for this update. I just love his picture. If he rediates so much love, strength, confidence and joy through a picture, how much more he must radiate in person!!!! Amazing......it truly is a miracle that he is here and I can only guess at your gratitude and joy. I remember those long days two years ago when I would rush home just to read the latest update on his recovery........and I must be honest, I always openned up your blog with a heavy heart expecting to read that he was no longer with us. I really did because it just seemed that his injuries were so horrific, I kept wondering how can any human being survive such injuries? Well, Mark did and I also believe he was saved by God for something very, very special. Thak you for sharing this most painful yet so beautiful part of all your lives with us. It helped me to get through what I thought were some rough times during that time in my life because I was able to put things in perspective and be so grateful for my health and life. I hope you have a joyful Christmas full of the love you have for each other. God Bless you all.
Thank you so much for the wonderful update on Mark. I followed your journal of his recovery and you all amazed me with your strength. No wonder Mark has made such a great comeback and will now go on to make a change in the world for others. Lovely!
Also, congratulations on Baby Cedar. He is beautiful. So nice you had a little visit. I am so happy for your sister. We have a new grandson 3 weeks old and it is such a joy.
Hope you are feeling well these days! Happy New Year
If you look at my 01/11/2009 post, you'll see that Mark has been on my boys' minds. I love this testimony. I love seeing his handsome face in pictures!!! And I couldn't help thinking that, this tragedy was what brought me over to your blog. And now I have such a wonderful friend.
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