"Hey you guys, I have a great idea! Let's go to the park today!"

Okay Cedar...but first auntie dd wants to cuddle...

and in our family, this is what is called a "forced" cuddle :)

"Okay, my jacket's on and I'm ready to go!"

"Do you really need to take another picture auntie dd?!"

later that day...
"Hmmm...what do we have here?"
"Hmmm...what do we have here?"

"Sand!...you throw it, you let it slide through your fingers, then you eat it!"

"Weee...slide fun with Momma!"

"and the obligatory swing ride for the adults..."

"I'm too sexy for this park, too sexy for this park...peace out!"

what a fun day!! :)
There is nothing better than having little ones in the family.
So glad God blessed us with our two little great grandsons.
You pictures are wonderful!
Don't you just love the energy that little ones like Cedar can bring out in you?
Our Eli is the same way for us.
these are awesome, sis.
so loving your images and commentary. you crack me up.
i love you so.
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