Room by room we shuffled them throughout the house...
we showed them the chartreuse green room (my studio)
the periwinkle blue room (the guest room)
we moved on to the very red kitchen
and of course, the highly visited
garden green laundry room
the rest of my house is a deep warm tan
not a white room in sight.
For me, it is always fun to see reactions to my choice of colors. People either love it, or hate it and always feel compelled to use words like
(the hate it group)
(the love it group)
anyway...yesterday, while my friends eyebrows were raised, I remembered this quote:
The purest and
most thoughtful
minds are those
which love colour
the most.
~John Ruskin~
I don't know about the pure and thoughtful part
but I do love color :)
What wow color do you have in your house?
:) Glad you asked!
Kitchen: Tomato red
Dining room: yellow and white walls
Porches: turquoise
Bedrooms: varying greens and white
Studio: sage
Study: cobalt blue
A lot of my walls only have a band of color on the bottom third of the walls. The top 2/3 is white. I saw it in a french country house (book) once and have been doing it ever since. :)
Living room: Lime Green
Bathroom: Robins egg blue
Kitchen: yellow
Bedroom: Grass green
Daughter's bedroom: Cherry pink
I LOVE color!
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