Sunday, July 18, 2010

are you a foodie?

What is a Foodie? Not yet defined in Webster's Dictionary, by observation, I think that Foodies are people who's lives revolve around food. I could be wrong and feel free to give me your definition of a person who calls themselves a Foodie. My daughter and her boyfriend are deeply Foodies. They think and discuss the subject of food all the time. Me? Not so much. But, when my sister Denise came here with her 2 full months of implementing a Vegan diet, everyone complied. All of the dishes she made began looking like this. (or a variation thereof) Beautiful each and every dish she made. Here's the cutest part...Denise uses fresh herbs and as soon as Cedar smells that Basil, he comes running.Den gives him a small branchy leaf and up it goes into his nose! He walked around and around sniffing that Basil until it was clean snuffed out! And of course, he got a piece for me too (he is so good at sharing) and we both filled our lungs with this herby delight.

Well here on the farm we've been having 100 degree weather. The almonds have filled to the brim with sweet nectar and it's time for the heat to start drying them out.

When they do begin to dry and split, it looks like this
and it's happening already here and there.

My husband was mowing down each rows
with the tractor and kicking up
quite a bit of dust along with it.

When he got this close I ran...

Then I watched him and this loud machine
make a hair pin turn.I yelled, "Whoo Hoo Honey!
Look at my tractor driving greasy sweaty dirt covered Man!"

And I still had my nightgown of the perks that comes along with living out in the country : ) So, back to the food. Denise has been gone about 10 days now and I haven't been able to eat meat ever since. I gag when I see
it and have no desire to eat it. I don't want to become a Vegan, but I think I could easily become a Vegetarian and do just fine.

So...are you a Foodie?


LegalEagle said...

Mmm, that food looks amazing! For a laugh:

Wanda said...

Oh my Farmer J is certainly in his element. Just look at that happy farmer. Your photography in the orchards is fabulous.

You make me miss Hughson....

The food looks delicious, but sorry to make you gag, but I do like my ______!

Love and Hugs to you and J.....