Saturday, April 24, 2010

wholely cow...

On my way home from my dad and mom's yesterday there were cows everywhere...

~Happy California Cows~

a deeply serious cow dude...

blond cows have more fun...

this calf's lunch was lip smackin good...

our shade trees have that decorator's touch...

this is one VERY pregnant cow...oiy!

this calf played hide and seek with me...i won :)

no milk here ;)


Jack K. said...

Those must be the cows used in the California cows commercials. We have seen some California feed lots while driving North from LA to Portland, OR. They look and smell like the feedlots in Kansas. The cows don't seem to be that happy. Ah well, that's advertising for you.

Glad to know you had a great time on your visit.

Wanda said...

Happy cows, good cheese!! California Cheese!!

I can sure see the farmer coming out in you....fantastic shots...I loved them all and I'm still smiling!!